Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Join WEA Retired!

Kit Raney, WEA-Retired President

When you think about retirement, most likely your thoughts are about how many years until you can retire, your pension, or healthcare options. You should also want to think about WEA-Retired, that you can join NOW, which is working for you NOW, and is the only retired organization that is affiliated with WEA and NEA.

By joining WEA-Retired/NEA-Retired now, while you’re still an active association member, you’ll become a pre-retired member and receive publications from NEA-Retired and WEA-Retired. You will also be protected from any future dues increases. And, when you do retire, your membership will move seamlessly to that of an active member of NEA-Retired and WEA-Retired.
  • Membership in WEA-Retired\NEA-Retired keeps you a part of the largest profession/union advocating for public education and the welfare of its workforce.
  • You will always be eligible to use WEA/NEA member benefits.
  • You will have opportunities to work in partnership with WEA and NEA members to improve retirement benefits for both retirees and active members.
  • WEA-Retired and NEA- Retired members can help with your planning for your retirement.
  • As a WEA-Retired member you will continue to receive NEA “Today”, WEA “We”, NEA-Retired “This Active Life” and WEA-Retired “WE-Too”. Thus, you will be able to keep up on the issues of concern to your colleagues and remain an informed education voter.
  • Your retired membership will allow you to remain active in governance as long as you are not an administrator at the time of your retirement. You can continue to contribute actively to your profession locally and at state and national levels.
  • You will have friends at state and national levels to network with about your education and retiree interests.
  • If you choose to substitute when you retire, you will continue to be covered by the NEA liability insurance you now have as long as you maintain “continuous” membership. Becoming a pre-retired member ensures no lapse in membership.
  • You will remain one of the 3.2 million NEA\WEA voices advocating for students, public schools, and the welfare of retirees.
Retire from your position, not your profession. For $350 you become a lifetime member of NEA-Retired and WEA-Retired. It’s very easy to join. You can join using your credit card by going to

You can also join by check for the full amount or by making 10 payments of $35. Some districts will do payroll deduction for the 10 payments. For a membership form and/or more information, please call Stacia Bilsland at 360-482-2431 or contact her at

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