Are you an athletic coach or club advisor—or in an elementary school, perhaps a bus supervisor, safety patrol coordinator, or handle discipline in the principal’s absence? If so, you receive money through the AAA contract.
We are currently surveying AAA members as we prepare to negotiate a new contract with the district. The survey invitation was sent from Kraig Peck to your NSD email address. If you are a coach, advisor, etc. and did not receive an invite, please contact Lydia King at
The survey closes at noon on Monday, November 26th. Bargaining will begin in December.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Represent NSEA at WEA-RA!
Nominations are now open for NSEA delegates to the WEA's annual Representative Assembly. Acting as a delegate is a great way to get involved, to learn more about how WEA operates, and to help shape WEA's direction.
This year's WEA-RA is close to home, in Bellevue, and runs from Thursday, April 25 through Saturday, April 27, 2013. Click here for a nomination form (due to NSEA by Friday, November 30). See below for more information.
NSEA Delegate to WEA-RA
Overview: WEA-RA is the annual gathering of representatives from WEA affiliates around the state to decide on policy, positions, and the business of WEA. It's a great way to see the "big picture" of what happens within WEA. This year's RA will be held in Bellevue from April 25 through 27. NSEA will pay your expenses, including release time and meals. NSEA has budgeted to send 20 delegates to WEA-RA this year. No previous experience is needed.
Nomination procedure: Review the NSEA WEA-RA Nomination Packet. Send completed nomination form to NSEA by Friday, November 30th. Election will be held in January.
Questions? Contact Lydia King at
This year's WEA-RA is close to home, in Bellevue, and runs from Thursday, April 25 through Saturday, April 27, 2013. Click here for a nomination form (due to NSEA by Friday, November 30). See below for more information.
NSEA Delegate to WEA-RA
Overview: WEA-RA is the annual gathering of representatives from WEA affiliates around the state to decide on policy, positions, and the business of WEA. It's a great way to see the "big picture" of what happens within WEA. This year's RA will be held in Bellevue from April 25 through 27. NSEA will pay your expenses, including release time and meals. NSEA has budgeted to send 20 delegates to WEA-RA this year. No previous experience is needed.
Nomination procedure: Review the NSEA WEA-RA Nomination Packet. Send completed nomination form to NSEA by Friday, November 30th. Election will be held in January.
Questions? Contact Lydia King at
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Your School's Building Inservice Funds: Professional Development Funding is Available!
Did you know that your school has professional development funds for you, referred to as "Building Inservice Funds?" These are funds that we have negotiated, and are in your Collective Bargaining Agreement. Through collective bargaining, in many ways such as this, we improve our schools and profession. This is REAL ed reform!
The formula for how much each school get is on page 110 of your Agreement. It is based on the number of FTE Certificated staff at your school.Funds are carried over from the previous year. Click here for a list of how much each school has, including carryover funds.
How are these funds to be used?
Under our Collective Bargaining Agreement, the SDLT (your school's Shared Decision-Making Leadership Team) makes the decisions on the "Use of specific monies in this Collective Bargaining Agreement..." The SDLT also makes decisions on "Building Inservice/Professional Development," as well as activities on SIP and SITE Days, and the broad category of "Work that will support the mission of improving student achievement," which covers most important decisions. (pp. 22-23)
Some schools' SDLTs have created a Professional Development Committee or an Inservice Committee to allocate these funds. Your school should have a written decision making process, voted on by the staff by each Oct 1, that identifies how this decision is made at your school. (Article 17.3.1, on p. 24)
If you have questions, please contact your NSEA Building Rep, or email us.
The formula for how much each school get is on page 110 of your Agreement. It is based on the number of FTE Certificated staff at your school.Funds are carried over from the previous year. Click here for a list of how much each school has, including carryover funds.
How are these funds to be used?
Under our Collective Bargaining Agreement, the SDLT (your school's Shared Decision-Making Leadership Team) makes the decisions on the "Use of specific monies in this Collective Bargaining Agreement..." The SDLT also makes decisions on "Building Inservice/Professional Development," as well as activities on SIP and SITE Days, and the broad category of "Work that will support the mission of improving student achievement," which covers most important decisions. (pp. 22-23)
Some schools' SDLTs have created a Professional Development Committee or an Inservice Committee to allocate these funds. Your school should have a written decision making process, voted on by the staff by each Oct 1, that identifies how this decision is made at your school. (Article 17.3.1, on p. 24)
If you have questions, please contact your NSEA Building Rep, or email us.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Benefits Update
We have important updates to share about your Health/Benefits as a Northshore School District employee for the 2013 plan year. This information is from Chris Tracy, the NSEA representative to the Health/Benefits Committee.
The Northshore School District Health/Benefits open enrollment from the 2013 Plan Year will be from Thursday, November 1 through Friday, November 30, 2012.
Life Insurance
The NSD will be moving to a new life insurance provider and the Health/Benefits Committee has negotiated with the new carrier guaranteed acceptance for Supplemental Life Insurance (2x or 3x salary) and for dependent life insurance during the open enrollment period. This is a one-time event when no health questionnaire is needed!
Dental, Vision, Hearing Insurance
There will be no changes in program or premiums for NSD dental, vision and hearing benefits for the 2013 plan year. Willamette dental premiums will be slightly lower than in 2012.
Medical Programs
Recent state and federal regulations necessitated some changes to our medical programs and pricing. As a result, the NSD Health/Benefits Committee--made up of representatives from all NSD employee groups--met over the summer and during the fall to modify our 2013 Regence self-insured programs and premiums. The Health/Benefits Committee earmarked $1.65 million from medical reserves to buy down premiums.
NSD will again offer three traditional, self-insured, medical plans (NSD Regence Choice, Standard and Value) plus Group Health and offer a new self-insured Regence High Deductible Plan.
The Northshore School District Health/Benefits open enrollment from the 2013 Plan Year will be from Thursday, November 1 through Friday, November 30, 2012.
Life Insurance
The NSD will be moving to a new life insurance provider and the Health/Benefits Committee has negotiated with the new carrier guaranteed acceptance for Supplemental Life Insurance (2x or 3x salary) and for dependent life insurance during the open enrollment period. This is a one-time event when no health questionnaire is needed!
Dental, Vision, Hearing Insurance
There will be no changes in program or premiums for NSD dental, vision and hearing benefits for the 2013 plan year. Willamette dental premiums will be slightly lower than in 2012.
Medical Programs
Recent state and federal regulations necessitated some changes to our medical programs and pricing. As a result, the NSD Health/Benefits Committee--made up of representatives from all NSD employee groups--met over the summer and during the fall to modify our 2013 Regence self-insured programs and premiums. The Health/Benefits Committee earmarked $1.65 million from medical reserves to buy down premiums.
NSD will again offer three traditional, self-insured, medical plans (NSD Regence Choice, Standard and Value) plus Group Health and offer a new self-insured Regence High Deductible Plan.
- Beginning January 1, Regence Choice, Standard and Value plans will not cap the number of outpatient mental health and chemical dependency visits each plan year and outpatient visits are no longer subject to the annual medical plan deductible. Office co-pays still apply.
- To comply with state regulations, single subscribers selecting any medical plan with NSD Dental will have some out of pocket payroll deduction. It is estimated that single subscribers selecting Regence Standard or Value or Group Health with Willamette Dental will have no out of pocket payroll deduction.
- Regence Standard and Value subscribers that insure full-families will see a modest reduction in out of pocket payroll deductions. Other dependent coverage categories will mostly have slight decreases in out of pocket payroll deductions, depending on the type or number of dependents.
- While nearly all other school districts recently eliminated their most comprehensive medical program that is similar to our NSD Regence Choice (such as Premera 1), the Health/Benefits Committee was able to preserve Regence Choice as an option for NSD employees---but out of pocket payroll deductions will be going up about $20-$42 per month, with single subscribers seeing the largest out of pocket increase.
- Group Health subscribers covering dependents will see fairly large decreases in out of pocket payroll deductions, as much as about $130 per month for full-families; the decreases are due to lower claims experience.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Vote NO on I-1240
Charters are NOT the answer for Washington State, especially not using the language in I-1240.
Learn more about I-1240's fairy tales by watching this video: While you're at it, pop some popcorn and take the time to watch this, The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman:
Learn more about I-1240's fairy tales by watching this video: While you're at it, pop some popcorn and take the time to watch this, The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman:
Opinion: Stop Paying for the Seattle Times!
It’s Time For School Employees to Stop Paying for a Print Subscription to the Seattle Times
Opinion by Chris Tracy, Kenmore JH Librarian
For a long time, I’ve looked for reasons to continue to subscribe to the print edition of the Seattle Times. You see, I grew up with the Seattle Times. As a kid growing up in South Seattle, my parents subscribed to the Times and I remember diligently checking the Seattle Rainier baseball box scores, and checked the box scores for major league teams, too, and I read all about unlimited hydroplanes and their races. As I grew older I read the news, the Business Section and combed through the classified ads. In college, I took a break from studying and working each Sunday morning to read the Times in bed. As an adult I subscribed to the Seattle P-I and King County Journal and bought the Times each day. When the P-I ceased publication I subscribed to the Times.
I’ve always respected the right of the Editorial Page to voice their views; sometimes I agreed with their viewpoints, but the past several years have tended more and more to disagree with their slants. The last couple of years they have attacked my teacher pension, my health benefits, they promoted Charter Schools, promoted a teacher evaluation plan that was more punitive than supportive of teachers and more. I’ve seen them support (or not support) candidates for reasons that seem more personal, than based upon facts. I’ve read news articles that are supposed to assess the validity of arguments politicians are making, only to see much is left out. I’ve watched the paper get smaller in size, scope and sections. But I’ve stuck with the Times as a subscriber, until this week.
The straw that broke the camel’s back was when the Seattle Times decided to give huge amounts of free advertising to one candidate for Governor and one initiative, using some wild double-talk to justify their actions. That’s it. I cancelled my subscription and encourage others in public education to consider the same action. Read the Times online for free, but don’t give the Seattle Times your money.
I’ll miss a hard-copy newspaper. I have already emailed the publisher of the Everett Herald and asked them to consider expanding their home delivery to North King County. I’d suggest those living in Southern King County contact the Tacoma News Tribune and request they expand coverage northward, as well.
As Always,
Christopher Tracy
Kenmore, WA
(Tracy is a longtime teacher and past recipient of the Washington Library Media Association’s Teacher-Librarian of the Year Award.)
Friday, October 19, 2012
Did You Get Your Ballot?
You should be getting your ballot any day now. Please be sure that you, your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers vote by Tuesday, November 6th. This election is crucial for public education, educators and students, and the middle class. For a full list of WEA-PAC recommended candidates and positions, click here.
Click HERE to learn how you can get involved with phoning and/or doorbelling. No regrets!
Click HERE to learn how you can get involved with phoning and/or doorbelling. No regrets!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
October 2012 Newsletter
Click here to read the October 2012 Northshore News.
Monday, September 17, 2012
September 2012 Newsletter
Click here to view the September 2012 Northshore News, NSEA's newsletter.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Use Your TRI Pay For Tuition and Save on Taxes
If you are taking college classes, other work-related training/courses, or going to a work-related conference this school year (September 1, 2012 through August 31, 2013), you can get reimbursed on a pre-tax basis by the District from your salary. It will reimburse you for tuition, fees, and related materials (books, etc. used in the course). As no FICA, federal taxes, pension contributions, etc. will be deducted from this amount, that means a savings of about 25% for you.
There is no risk to creating a pre-tax tuition account. Any funds you do not use for courses will be refunded to you (minus taxes) on your August 2013 paycheck.
Here’s how to do this—the deadline to notify NSD is Monday, October 1st:
There is no risk to creating a pre-tax tuition account. Any funds you do not use for courses will be refunded to you (minus taxes) on your August 2013 paycheck.
Here’s how to do this—the deadline to notify NSD is Monday, October 1st:
- Estimate the amount of money you will spend between September 1, 2012 and August 31, 2013
- Fill out the Conversion Request form and turn it in to Lance Andahl ( in the Human Resources Office by Monday, October 1st.
- The amount of money that you put on the form will be deducted from your TRI pay (Time, Responsibility, and Incentive pay, the locally negotiated pay of $7,073 to $14,476 annually that is funded from the local levy) over the next 11 months. You can deduct any amount up to a maximum of your TRI pay. The District holds your money, and will reimburse you for your expenses on a pre-tax basis. (See page 168 of your Agreement to see how much TRI you get.)
- You pay the college or conference as you normally would.
- You submit proof of payment to Human Resources. You may do so up to three times per year. Your last submission must be by July 15, 2013 in order to receive reimbursement on a pre-tax basis.
- Any remaining funds withheld by the District will be PAID to you in your August pay, minus taxes.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Are You New to Northshore?
If you're a new (or new-ish!) educator in the Northshore School District, you are invited! Please join us at the NSEA New Teacher Dinner on Monday, October 15th from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Courtyard Hall (Country Village). RSVP today to Lydia King (
Click here to see the flyer for this event.
Click here to see the flyer for this event.
Sign Up For A Retirement Seminar!
It's never too early to start planning for retirement! The Cascade UniServ Council will be sponsoring retirement seminars for members in Northshore, Edmonds, and Shoreline once again this year. These seminars are very popular! They're designed for union members who are planning for retirement--at any stage of his/her career-- and is presented by qualified WEA-Retired representatives.
Topics covered include Social Security, Medicare, health care, long term care, VEBA, financial planning, estate planning, deferred compensation, staff retirement, and much more!
Seminar Time/Dates/Location
The workshop is a total of 10 hours over two days. Dinner will be provided on Friday night; breakfast and lunch will be served on Saturday.
Time: Friday: 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm AND Saturday: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Topics covered include Social Security, Medicare, health care, long term care, VEBA, financial planning, estate planning, deferred compensation, staff retirement, and much more!
Seminar Time/Dates/Location
The workshop is a total of 10 hours over two days. Dinner will be provided on Friday night; breakfast and lunch will be served on Saturday.
Time: Friday: 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm AND Saturday: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
- Friday, October 19th and Saturday, October 20th (Edmonds EA Office)
- Friday, November 30th and Saturday, December 1 (WEA-Cascade UniServ Council Office)
- Friday, December 7th and Saturday, December 8th (WEA-Cascade UniServ Council Office)
- Friday, January 25th and Saturday, January 26th (WEA-Cascade UniServ Council Office)
- Friday, February 1st and Saturday, February 2nd (WEA-Cascade UniServ Council Office)
- Friday, March 29th and Saturday, March 30th (WEA-Cascade UniServ Council Office)
- Registration is required and space is limited. To register, click here.
- A separate registration form and payment is required for each participant.
- Registration is on a First Come, First Served basis.
- Registration is not accepted by phone or email.
- Each seminar must have at least 20 attendees or the seminar will be cancelled.
- In event of cancellation, registrants will have first pick of other available dates.
- A registration confirmation will be emailed once paperwork is processed.
- Once a seminar is full, a waiting list will be started for that date. If space is available, a confirmation notice will be emailed within 48 hours of the seminar.
- No refunds for cancellation within 48 hours of seminar date or no shows.
- WEA Member: $45
- WEA-Retired Member: $35
- Spouse (if space is available): $45
- Cost includes meals and handouts. Make check payable to WEA Cascade UniServ Council.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Welcome Back!
With summer winding down, we wanted to take a moment to welcome you back to what promises to be an exciting school year.
NSEA has already started our work of this school year! Our Exec Board and Building Reps have met to set our goals and begin our work...and we have a lot of work to do! Here are our major projects for the 2012-2013 school year, projects that will succeed with YOUR involvement:
NSEA has already started our work of this school year! Our Exec Board and Building Reps have met to set our goals and begin our work...and we have a lot of work to do! Here are our major projects for the 2012-2013 school year, projects that will succeed with YOUR involvement:
- The General Election begins in mid-October: The future of our students, children, and grandchildren is at stake, the future of the middle class. Our collective bargaining rights are also in jeopardy. We've learned that it is easier to elect the right people than to deal with the aftermath of destructive legislation. This upcoming general election is crucial for us. Please see the Political Action tab of our website to learn more about candidates and issues we support and ways for you to get involved.
- We will construct and negotiate a new evaluation system: The state's requirements for a new evaluation system will greatly impact teachers and principals. The Instructional Quality Committee (IQC), a joint committee with the district formed out of our last contract negotiations, is working hard to understand the state's requirements, how they'll impact Northshore, and what types of support are needed prior to implementation. We will keep you updated on the IQC's work as the year progresses. The new evaluation system will also have bargaining implications that will need to be sorted out. The new system will begin implementation next year, 2013-2014, for many certificated staff.
- Collective Bargaining: This is the last year of our current Collective Bargaining Agreement (contract). Throughout the year, we'll be interviewing members, holding forums with the Bargaining Team/Exec Board, and sending out surveys so that we can better understand and address your concerns at the bargaining table.
- Increasing NSEA's Strength: NSEA is lucky to have dedicated, talented members who are actively involved in the Association. We aim to have Building Reps and U(nion) S(upport) Teams every work site. If you are interested in becoming a Building Rep, please see the Building Rep page of our website. To join your school's Union Support Team, please talk to your Building Rep.
Here are other ways to get involved:
- Like NSEA on facebook
- Attend your school's monthly Association meetings
- Read messages from Tim Brittell, Kraig Peck, Lydia King, and your Building Rep
- Volunteer for political action
- Join the Bargaining Support Team (contact Tim Brittell for details)
- Attend the General Membership meeting at the end of the year (Thursday, June 6, 2013 and/or Thursday, June 13, 2013 after school at Inglemoor High School
- Tim Brittell, NSEA President: (425) 486-7101 ext 110
- Kraig Peck, WEA Staffperson: (425) 486-7101 ext 103
- Lydia King, Admin Assistant: (425) 486-7101 ext 111
- Location: 18704 Bothell Way NE, Suite 101 Bothell, WA 98011
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
No on I-1240
This November, Washington voters will decide yet again if charter schools will be allowed in our state. NSEA and the WEA oppose I-1240, the Charter Schools Initiative. Click here for a quick article outlining 21 reasons why Charters are bad for Washington's students.
If you want more information about the NO on I-1240 campaign, visit these sites:
If you want more information about the NO on I-1240 campaign, visit these sites:
Friday, August 3, 2012
Current Collective Bargaining Agreement
Looking for the current Collective Bargaining Agreement (contract) between the Northshore School District and NSEA? A PDF of the contract and all of our current MOUs, letters of understanding, pay schedules, and forms are located on the NSEA Contract section of the website. Click on the NSEA Contract tab at the top of this page or click here.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
2012-2013 Calendar
Click here to see the 2012-2013 Northshore School District Calendar.
Click here for the 2012-2013 school year calendar with NSEA meeting dates included.
Click here for the 2012-2013 school year calendar with NSEA meeting dates included.
Get Involved and Stay Informed
Looking for information about the upcoming election or legislative session? Click on the Politics tab at the top of this website (or click here) for the most up-to-date information. Check back often to learn what's happening and how you can get involved.
For political information from the Washington Education Association, please visit
For political information from the Washington Education Association, please visit
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
2012-2013 School Calendar
Helpful Links:
Per the current NSEA/NSD contract, emergency make-up days will be added to the end of the school year. To see if your school is closed, check the local news, the Northshore School District website, or the School Report site.
Note: If NSD schools are closed, NSEA events will be cancelled for that day and will be rescheduled.
- 2012-2013 Northshore School District Calendar (coming soon!)
- 2012-2013 Northshore School District Calendar with NSEA Meeting Dates (coming soon!)
- Wednesday, August 29: Non-Student Day
- Thursday, August 30: Non-Student Day
- Monday, September 3: Labor Day, no school
- Tuesday, September 4: First Day of School
- Friday, October 12: Non-Student Day
- Friday, November 9: Non-Student Day
- Monday, November 12: Veteran's Day, no school
- Thursday, November 22-Friday, November 23: Thanksgiving Holiday, no school
- Wednesday, December 19-Monday, January 1: Winter Break, no school
- Wednesday, January 2: Non-Student Day
- Monday, January 21: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, no school
- Monday, January 28: Non-Student Day
- Monday, February 18: President's Day, no school
- Tuesday, February 19-Friday, February 22: Mid-Winter Break, no school
- Friday, March 15: Non-Student Day
- Friday, April 12: Non-Student Day
- Monday, April 15-Friday, April 19: Spring Break, no school
- Monday, May 27: Memorial Day, no school
- Tuesday, May 28: Non-Student day
- Wednesday, June 12: Graduation day!
- Wednesday, June 19: Last Day of School
- Thursday, June 20: Non-Student day
Per the current NSEA/NSD contract, emergency make-up days will be added to the end of the school year. To see if your school is closed, check the local news, the Northshore School District website, or the School Report site.
Note: If NSD schools are closed, NSEA events will be cancelled for that day and will be rescheduled.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
2012-2013 NSEA Exec Board and Building Rep Info
The 2012-2013 NSEA Executive Board is made up of...
All meetings are held in the NSEA/CUC Office from 4:00 to 6:00 pm (unless otherwise noted)
Buildings are allowed 1 representative for every 15 members. The building rep list will be posted soon. If you are planning to be a rep, contact Lydia King ASAP.
2012-2013 Building Rep Meeting Dates and Locations
Meetings are from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm (unless otherwise noted)
- Tim Brittell, NSEA President
- Dave Schneider, Vice President
- Lynn Emerson, Secretary/Treasurer, Crystal Springs Elem
- Gail Bauman, At-Large, Northshore JH
- Jaime Clarke, Primary Elementary, Kenmore Elem
- Patrick Holmes, At-Large, Bothell HS
- Donna Matthies, Specialists, Northshore JH
- David Schneider, Intermediate Elementary, Kenmore Elem
- Sheri Setzer, Special Ed, Canyon Park JH
- Julie Shirley, Senior High, Woodinville HS
- Jon VandeMoortel, Junior High, Northshore JH
- Kraig Peck, WEA Staffperson
- Lydia King, Admin Assistant
All meetings are held in the NSEA/CUC Office from 4:00 to 6:00 pm (unless otherwise noted)
- Tuesday, August 7th and Friday, August 10th: Exec Board Retreat (8:00 am to 2:30 pm)
- Monday, September 10th
- Monday, October 1st
- Monday, October 29th
- Monday, December 3rd
- Monday, January 7th
- Monday, February 4th
- Monday, March 4th
- Monday, April 1st
- Monday, May 6th
- Monday, June 3rd
Buildings are allowed 1 representative for every 15 members. The building rep list will be posted soon. If you are planning to be a rep, contact Lydia King ASAP.
2012-2013 Building Rep Meeting Dates and Locations
Meetings are from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm (unless otherwise noted)
- Monday, August 27th: Building Rep Kickoff (8:00 am to noon for new reps; noon to 4:30 pm for ALL reps; Courtyard Hall--Country Village, Bothell. RSVP by August 10th to Lydia King)
- Monday, September 17th: Bothell High Library
- Monday, October 8th: Bothell High Library
- Monday, November 5th: Canyon Park JH Library
- Monday, December 10th: Woodinville HS Library
- Monday, January 14th: Skyview JH Library
- Monday, February 11th: Skyview JH Library
- Monday, March 11th: Bothell High Library
- Monday, April 8th: Bothell High Library
- Monday, May 13th: Bothell High Library
- Monday, June 10th: Bothell High Library
- Thursday, June 6th and/or Thursday, June 13th; time TBD; Inglemoor High School Gym
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
NSEA Building Rep Information
More information for NSEA Building Reps is located under the Building Rep tab at the top of this page.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Are School Leadership Teams Important?
YES. A lot. The idea behind SDLTs is that we are professionals whose commitment and expertise can create the best possible schools.
The SDLTs—Shared Decision Making Leadership Teams—are the result of negotiations to ensure that educators are involved in the key decisions of our schools. They are one way that we ensure that our role is as PROFESSIONALS—experts who exercise our professional judgment, not just implementers of the decisions made by others. Our elected SDLT members are school DECISION-MAKERS, not simply advisors to the principal. They are actual DECISION-MAKERS, not just advisors.
SDLTs decide how decisions will be made—or make the decisions directly—in “work that will support the mission of improving student achievement,” a very broad category of decisions. SDLT members also decide on development of the School Improvement Plan (the school’s plan); how to use building funds; what we do on SIP and SITE Days; the school’s Technology Plan; use of the Building Inservice Funds (which is a substantial amount of money) to support professional development, and more.
In our Agreement, the specific contract language is in Article 17, on pages 23-26. In addition, the role of Department Heads is in Article 25, on pp 67-69. It’s helpful to read the actual language. (Click here for our current CBA.) The role of SDLTs (with stipends) was first established in our 2006-2008 Agreement, so we’ve had them for about 6 years.
- SDLTs draft a written decision-making process for the school, to be submitted to the full staff for approval by October 1 of each year. This document is to include:
a) How decisions of varying kinds will be made (by consensus, voting, consulting, command/principal decision, etc.—by the full staff, or by Depts, or by the SDLT, or other
b) How SDLT members are accountable to the staff (e.g. Dept. meetings,...)
c) Calendar of regular and open meetings; and d) How agendas will be made and how staff will be kept informed. - Most important decisions are covered under this staff-approved process. These decisions include:
a) Those that affect student achievement, school climate, and effectiveness;
b) Use of Building Discretionary Funds; Building Inservice Funds; Department Head days; and Substitute days for release time;
c) Scheduling and use of Site Days;
d) Professional development decisions;
e) School operating principles;
f) Input in staffing decisions and departmental issues (Note that this one is input only—not final authority like the others); and
g) Input in faculty meeting agendas (again, this one is input only.). This decision-making process covers all school decisions, except those governed by law, School Board policies, District-wide course alignments across grade levels and schools; or other parts of our Collective Bargaining Agreement.
- The SDLT (unless there is a waiver for the year) consists of elected Department Heads: 6 in elementary; 9 in Junior High and 12 in High School. They are elected by secret ballot. (Article 25.3)
- Department Heads are nominated (or self-nominated) by the certificated employees (not the Principals) at the school. NSEA Building Reps and the Principal cooperate to organize a secret ballot election. Terms are for one year, without term limits. This is an actual leadership role—not a lightweight role. As a result, the stipend, $2,615, is significant (and includes all Department Head duties described on p. 69). NSEA encourages staff to elect Department Heads based on their leadership abilities, not by custom, seniority, or relationship.
- Our Agreement states that elections are to be held by June 1.
- We suggest that staff vote only in the department relevant for the majority of their classes. If staff are in more than one school, they should vote in the school that they are in for the majority of their time.
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